In Botium.json, "SIMPLEREST_INIT_CONTEXT": { "token": "367439234324243" ,"sessionid":"34546363dfgfg4545"}, This value needs to taken from env variable PROCESS.ENV.token, How can i set in this file so that i can use it in simplerest endpoints ??? example would be great
Environment variables can be access within the moustache templates scripting functions, see Botium Wiki.
"token": "{{#fnc.func}}{{process.env.token}}{{/fnc.func}}",
It seems as if you want to use the token from the environment variables, and with this token you want to initialize the session before starting a conversation. Could work like this - first make a "ping" request to initialize the session, then use the session id from the ping response body in the following calls:
"SIMPLEREST_PING_URL": "some url",
"token": "{{#fnc.func}}{{process.env.token}}{{/fnc.func}}"
"SIMPLEREST_PING_BODY": { some json content for the body },