When I knit an Rmarkdown to Word and include a table saved as an image using flextable::save_as_image()
, the function seems to also paste the path to my image above the table. How do I prevent the path from being included in the Word doc?
Here's a MWE:
title: "MWE"
output: word_document
```{r include=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
library(flextable, quietly = TRUE)
library(webshot, quietly = TRUE)
ft <- flextable( head( mtcars ) )
ft <- autofit(ft)
save_as_image(x = ft, path = "myimage.png")
Here's the output I get:
returns the filename that you saved the image to. You can hide it with invisible()
invisible(save_as_image(x = ft, path = "myimage.png"))