I just downloaded and installed Spring Tool Suite 4 for Mac. It has the following version ...
Version: 4.6.2.RELEASE Build Id: 202005250833
I created a brand new Spring Boot project by going to the File menu, selecting "New" and then "Spring Starter Project." I filled out the information on the next screen, and then selected Spring Boot 2.3.1. When I open up the resulting scaffolding, though, there are already compilation errors ...
When I go to my "Run" menu and select "Run As" -> "Spring Boot App," the following error appears
Error: Could not find or load main class com.burrobuie.cardmania.CardmaniaApplication
Is there something else that needs to be done so that there are no compilation errors in my project when it is first created? I feel like this is something that should be the default behavior.
your compilation errors will be all gone. Not all these steps are required to do every time it only when you see compilation error performing one or all the steps will resolve the issue.