To set my terminal theme, I typically use a script which prints ANSI control sequences. For example,
echo -e "\033]11;rgb:20/20/30\033\\"
sets the background color to RBG #202030. This works with git-bash+mintty, and it works with WSL+Windows Terminal. Unfortunately, it does not work with git-bash+Windows Terminal. Instead, it just outputs a \
with no change to the color scheme.
Does anyone have ideas for troubleshooting this?
A couple things I've tried:
echo -e "\033[44m\033[37m Test \033[0m"
. This works just fine.xterm-256color
, just the same as in WSL (which works).In case it matters, here's the command setting I'm using in Windows Terminal to launch git bash:
"commandline": "C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/bash.exe -i -l",
Your issue seems local to your environment. Ensure you are using the latest version of Windows Terminal and git bash and perhaps reinstall them. I am an running Windows Terminal 1.0.1401.0 and git bash installer 2.27.0 (installed with no PATH modifications and no expiremental settings) and I can change the background of the terminal in Windows Terminal using the command: echo -e "\033]11;rgb:20/20/30\033\\