I want to execute the below commands in the Terminal using Robot Framework step by step. Any advice on how to go about it?
1. ssh -o ProxyCommand\='ssh -W %h:%p xx.xx.xx.xx' xx.xvb.xyz.wq
2. password
3. sudo su - pentaho
4. cd pentaho/design-tools/data-integration/
5. sh kitchen.sh -file\=/ebs/pentaho/history/etljob.kjb
You can try using Process library.
Keyword like Run Process seems promising:
*** Settings ***
Library Process
*** Test Cases ***
Python Tiny Program
${result} = Run Process python -c print('Hello, world!')
Log ${result.stdout}
will be an object, you can use various properties like stdout
, stderr
, rc
and others. It's described in the official doc.