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How to create the click event of a button which is dynamically created by reading the xml file in wpf?

I am a newbie to wpf and i am doing some poc on wpf controls.I have created the buttons dynamically by reading from my xml file and i placed the buttons inside a stackpanel.i want to write the click event of the button by clicking on it and i wrote a click event which gives all the button names inside the stack panel but what i want is i want to get the respective button name when i click.


  <Project Name="FundsCrossReferences" Label ="SMA Model Management" LibraryName="SMAMC" ClassName="" Roles="">
  <Project Name="SMAFI" Label ="SMAFI" LibraryName="SMAFI" ClassName="" Roles="">    

My window.xaml.cs file

private void windowloaded()
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (XElement level1Element in XElement.Load(@"C:\Users\Trial\XMLFile.xml").Elements("Project"))


             List<string> addnames = new List<string>();
             string[] stringArray = result.ToString().Split('/').ToArray();
            stringArray = stringArray.Take(stringArray.Count() - 1).ToArray();
            foreach (var arrayname in stringArray)
                var names = arrayname.Replace("\r\n", "");
            List<string> list = addnames.ToList();
            foreach(var buttoname in list)
                var newButton = new Button() { Name= buttoname,Height=39,Foreground=Brushes.Black,Content=buttoname};

My Window.xaml: <StackPanel x:Name="mainpanel"></StackPanel>

Kindly help me with the click event of buttons or the name of the button which is clicked inside the stackpanel.


  • Just hook up a click event handler in the foreach loop:

    newButton.Click += Your_Handler;