I'm developing an API in .NET with C#. I'm trying to send Emails with a proper format (when a delegation rule assigned to a particular user.)
This is the code block I've tried so far.
strings.Add("email_delegation_rule_assigned", "Delegation rule assigned ");
"Hi {senderName},<br/><br/>"
+ "The following Workflow Request/s have been submitted for your approval, in the absence of {assignerUserName} from {delegateFromDate} to {delegateFromTo}.<br/><br/>"
+ "<style>table, th, td {border: 1px solid black; }</style>"
+ "<style>th {background-color:#73c1e1; }</style>"
+ "<table>" +
"<tr>" +
"<th> Delegation Req# </th>" +
"<th>Delegation<table><tr><td>From User</td><td>To User</td></tr></table></th>" +
"<th>Effective Period<table><tr><td> From </td><td> To </td></tr></table></th>" +
"<th> List of Workflows </th>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td>1</td>" +
"<td><table><tr><td> {assignerUserName} </td><td> You </td></tr></table></td>" +
"<td><table><tr><td>{delegateFromDate}</td><td>{delegateFromTo}</td></tr></table></td>" +
"<td>{workflowName}</td>" +
"</tr>" +
"</table><br/><br/>" +
"For further information please contact<br/><br/>" +
"You can view the Delegation details by clicking on the link below, using Flowdoh Workspace/Form Designer<br/><br/>" +
"Thank you!<br/>" +
"Warm Regards,<br/>" +
"Enadoc Team<br/><br/>"
I'm getting Emails in this format, which is a wrong format.
my Emails should look like this...
How can I properly align lines when divide a single column into two columns? The th column doesn't align with the td values. ..and I need to have single lines in the table. (ignore background colors in headers)
Please help me out. I really appreciate your responses. Thank u in advance!
You need to use colspan and rowspan attributes instead of separate tables to do your layout. Here is an example
<style>table, th, td {border: 1px solid black; }</style>
<style>th {background-color:#73c1e1; }</style>
<th rowspan="2"> Delegation Req# </th>
<th colspan="2">Delegation</th>
<th colspan="2">Effective Period</th>
<th rowspan="2"> List of Workflows </th>
<th>From User</th><th>To User</th>
<td> You </td>