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Send py2app application to Mac without python

I have a tkinter application, which I would like to distribute to my colleagues, who do not have python installed. I use py2app with the following file

from setuptools import setup

import sys

#APP would be the name of the file your code is in.
APP = ['']
DATA_FILES = ['C20.icns']
#The Magic is in OPTIONS.
    'packages': ['tkinter', 'matplotlib'],
    'includes': ['tkinter'],
    'argv_emulation': False,
    'iconfile': 'C20.icns', #change app.icns to the image file name!!!
    'plist': {
        'CFBundleName': 'Axial bearing program',
        'CFBundleDisplayName': 'Axial bearing program',
        'CFBundleGetInfoString': "Calculates C20 axial bearing",
        'CFBundleVersion': "0.0.0",
        'CFBundleShortVersionString': "0.0.0",
        'NSHumanReadableCopyright': u"Copyright © 2020, Component 2.0 A/S, All Rights Reserved"

    name='Axial bearing program', #change to anything
    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},

I then use

python py2app

to compile the program into an app. Note I have symlinked python to python3. My python 3 is version 3.7.5 and is installed through MacPorts. py2app is version 0.20, and tkinter is version 8.6

The program compiles fine, and I can run it from terminal, or just double-click on the app file, and it works as intended.

However, when I send it to my colleague and try to open it from his computer by double-clicking the app, I get a pop up where I can choose to "Open Console" or "Terminate". If I run the program through terminal (by running I get the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing", line 416, in <module>
  File "/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing", line 394, in _run
    exec(compile(source, path, "exec"), globals(), globals())
  File "/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing", line 31, in <module>
    root = Tk()
  File "tkinter/__init__.pyc", line 2023, in __init__
_tkinter.TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories: 
    /opt/local/lib/tcl8.6 {/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing} {/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing} {/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing} {/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing} {/Users/prm/Downloads/Component 2.0 axial bearing} /Users/prm/Downloads/tcl8.6.9/library

This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

2020-01-20 15:54:28.439 Component 2.0 axial bearing program[34251:2906750] Component 2.0 axial bearing program Error

I can also run the included python file in, which yield this error

Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: unable to load the file system codec
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

Current thread 0x000000010d0f8dc0 (most recent call first):
Abort trap: 6

Someone else posted about this on Reddit some time ago, but no answer came up

How can I fix this, so I can distribute my python application?


  • Same issue (missing init.tcl) on my setup:

    • macOS 10.15.5, venv with Python 3.7.7 interpreter (includes TCL8.6), py2app 0.21
    • It turns out that TCL is not copied neither to venv nor to .app by py2app, so the generated .app is finding TCL in Python installation directory (/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/tcl8.6) on my setup.
      • however this is not available on the setups without Python installation -> error


    When I've manually copied:

    - /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/tcl8
    - /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/tcl8.6
    - /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/tk8.6


    - path_to_venv/lib

    py2app will take it from there and store it in the .app in this location:

    - path_to_project/dist/

    and from here it is found by the python code

    Next steps

    I see 2 main options how to automate it:

    1. In py2app setup file implement a check for the TCL availability in the venv structure and copy it from the system location if not available
    2. Implement it directly in py2app