I am new to Laravel Nova ... I just installed optimistdigital/nova-menu-builder in order to generate menus in a more efficient way then whats generated by nova. My menu structure is very complex and needs more control. Anyway, I installed the package and created a menu. I am at the point where I would like to load it in the sidebar but can't figure out how that works ...
in the navigation.blade.php file I added:
Where admin is supposed to be the menu slug
After a refresh, nothing happened. So I tried something more basic. I removed the @menu and added "hello world" instead. It did not appear ... So I ran the following commands:
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan nova:publish
All 3 were executed without any errors. But the sidebar still did not show my hello world.
So my question is the following. How can I reflect my changes in the blade views? And is @menu("") the right way to use the optimistdigital/nova-menu-builder package? The documentation seems to be missing the part on how to use the menus you create... Thx in advance!
Here's my layout page
<router-link exact tag="h3"
name: 'dashboard.custom',
params: {
name: 'main'
class="cursor-pointer flex items-center font-normal dim text-white mb-8 text-base no-underline">
<svg>[Long SVG string]</svg>
<span class="text-white sidebar-label">{{ __('Dashboard') }}</span>
hello world
@if (\Laravel\Nova\Nova::availableDashboards(request()))
<ul class="list-reset mb-8">
@foreach (\Laravel\Nova\Nova::availableDashboards(request()) as $dashboard)
<li class="leading-wide mb-4 ml-8 text-sm">
<router-link :to='{
name: "dashboard.custom",
params: {
name: "{{ $dashboard::uriKey() }}",
query: @json($dashboard->meta()),
class="text-white no-underline dim">
{{ $dashboard::label() }}
Thx to leek, I was able to find how to retrieve the menus and build on that.
So my first problem was that I was editing the wrong file. You need to do the following first:
copy the file in nova/resources/views/layout.blade.php and put it in /resources/views/vendor/nova.
After doing this your changes will reflect correctly. I moved all the files in the nova view folder while I was at it.
In side the newly created /resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php file replace this code:
@foreach (\Laravel\Nova\Nova::availableTools(request()) as $tool)
{!! $tool->renderNavigation() !!}
with this code:
$menus = [
<section style="width: 100%; position: absolute; top: 60px;">
<ul class="sidebar-menu">
<li class="sidebar-header">MAIN NAVIGATION</li>
<a href="/nova">
<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Dashboard</span></i>
@foreach ($menus as $menu)
<a href="">
<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>{{ $menu['name'] }}</span> @if ($menu['menuItems'])<i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i> @endif
@if ($menu['menuItems'])
<ul class="sidebar-submenu">
@foreach (($menu['menuItems'] ?? []) as $item)
@if ($item['type'] === 'text')
<a href="">{{ $item['name'] }}</a>
<a href="{{ $item['value'] }}"
target="{{ $item['target'] }}"
@if ($item['target'] === '_blank') rel="noopener" @endif><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i> {{ $item['name'] }}</a>
<a href="/nova/logout">
<i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i> <span>Logout</span></i>
Replace "admin" with the slug of your menu You can change the HTML to what ever you want.
And the result is:
You can add more then one menu like this if you need to
$menus = [
The foreach loop will add them all to your page in the order you put them in the $menus array.
Good luck!