I'm trying to apply migration, I'm able to successfully execute following command
hasura migrate apply --endpoint
but when I try to execute next command, I get below mentioned error,, any idea ...
hasura metadata apply --endpoint
INFO unable to install cli-ext plugin. execute the following commands to continu
hasura plugins install cli-ext
time="2020-06-16T01:31:18+04:00" level=fatal msg="failed to apply metadata: cann
ot apply metadata on the database: cannot build actions from metadata: cannot in
stall plugin cli-ext: install failed: failed to link installed plugin: failed to
create a symlink from \"C:\\\\Users\\\\umar.farooq\\\\.hasura\\\\plugins\\\\sto
re\\\\cli-ext\\\\v1.2.2\\\\cli-ext-hasura-win.exe\" to \"C:\\\\Users\\\\umar.far
ooq\\\\.hasura\\\\plugins\\\\bin\\\\hasura-cli_ext.exe\": symlink C:\\Users\\uma
r.farooq\\.hasura\\plugins\\store\\cli-ext\\v1.2.2\\cli-ext-hasura-win.exe C:\\U
sers\\umar.farooq\\.hasura\\plugins\\bin\\hasura-cli_ext.exe: A required privile
ge is not held by the client."
Open command line as administrator and retry the migrations. For reference: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/4852