So Ive got this code and I want to make it repeat itself until the user makes his username not start with a symbol or number.
surname= input("surname")
password= input("password")
username= input("username")
first_char = username[0]
if first_char.isalpha():
else: print('username must start with a letter')
If you are using python 3.8, you can use the :=
operator for a nice way to write this:
while not (username := input("username: "))[0].isalpha():
print('username must start with a letter')
# do stuff
Otherwise your choices are going to be:
(a) Repeat a line of code
username = input("username: ")
while not username[0].isalpha():
print('username must start with a letter')
username = input("username: ")
# do stuff
or (b) Use an infinite look with a break
while True:
username = input("username: ")
if username[0].isalpha():
print('username must start with a letter')
# do stuff