I have been reading on HTTPS, trying to figure out how exactly it works. To me it doesn't seem to make sense, for example, I was reading this
And notice it says this in the page
Step 4: xyz.com will next create a unique hash and encrypt it using both the customer's public key and xyz.com's private key, and send this back to the client.
Step 5: Customer's browser will decrypt the hash. This process shows that the xyz.com sent the hash and only the customer is able to read it.
What I don't understand is, couldn't a hacker just intercept the public key it sends back to the "customer's browser", and be able to decrypt anything the customer can?
Thanks for any response
What I don't understand is, couldn't a hacker just intercept the public key it sends back to the "customer's browser", and be able to decrypt anything the customer can.
Public/private key encryption is based on modulo arithmetics using prime numbers.
Such asymmetric encryption was only discovered in the mid-1970s. It is credited to Diffie and Hellman, and to Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. (Though, both actually rediscovered things already known by the British secret services.)
The wikipedia page on Diffie-Hellman has a detailed example of a secret key exchange through a public channel. While it does not describe SSL itself, it should be handy to make sense of why knowing a public key doesn't reveal the contents of a message.
You might also find this simple RSA example interesting.