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How to remove/rename file in clearcase with CM API?

How to remove/rename file in clearcase with CM API?

I can't find any useful methods under CcFile or CcDirectory... any help appreciated


  • CM Api means ClearCase 8.x or more.
    The ClearCase CM server API extends the WVCM (Workspace Versioning and Configuration Management) API, which is a standard Java API for configuration management.
    Only CC supports dynamic and snapshot views.

    Considering cleartool mv is also available for rcleartool, using that would be easier than the CM API.

    However, as noted by Brian Cowan in the comments:

    The CM API is actually able to perform checkouts, mkelems, etc.
    rcleartool and CTE actually use CM API, with rcleartool being the more "pure" CM API application.
    So, in 90% of usecases, if rcleartool can do it, a CM API application should too.