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dplyr case_when in a complex scenario

Assume that I produce a probability table in each round of a study by country, round and type. And, I need to calculate a weight based on the rounds that a person participated up to that point. The weight is calculated as the inverse of the sum all probabilities (p) minus the product of all probabilities up to the round that a person participated.

I thought of using case_when() and at least write it out for 10 rounds if I cannot find a way to automate it for the future rounds, but not sure I am in the right way. Any guidance from a real R user is appreciated!

For id=1 in the example below,
p is 0.78584735 for round=1 and type=2 and country="DE"
p is 0.07271288 for round=2 and type=2 and country="DE"
Then, p_tot should be (0.78584735+0.07271288)- (0.78584735*0.07271288)

# Table with probabilities

  prob_table <- data.frame(country=c(rep("DE",6), rep("UK",6)), 
                           type=c(rep(1:3,2)), p=c(runif(12)))

# Data frame with participants

df <- data.frame(id=c(1:15), country=c(rep("DE",8), rep("UK",7)), 

# Calculate total probability

df %<>% mutate(
  p_tot = case_when(
    country=="DE" & round==1 & type==1 
    ~ prob_table%>% filter(country=="DE" & round<=1 & type==1) %>% 
      sum(all elements of p column)-multiply(all elements of p column),

    country=="DE" & round==1 & type==1 
    ~ prob_table%>% filter(country=="DE" & round<=1 & type==1) %>% 
      sum(all elements of p column)-multiply(all elements of p column),


    TRUE ~ NA

# calculate weight

df$weight <- 1/df$p_tot


  • You can use the values of each row to create the filter, instead of hardcoding it.

    Usually a problem like this is solved by joining the two tables, but the less than equal (round<=1) condition makes things tricky, so I used as similar approach as yours.

    Hope this helps:

    # We change name to avoid collision during the filter
    names(prob_table) <- paste('p', names(prob_table), sep = '_')
    # Calculate total probability
    df %>% 
      rowwise() %>% 
        p_tot = prob_table %>% 
          filter(p_country == country, p_round <= round, p_type == type) %>% 
          summarise(s = sum(p_p), 
                    m = prod(p_p),
                    f = s - m) %>% 
        weight = 1 / p_tot
    #> Source: local data frame [15 x 6]
    #> Groups: <by row>
    #> # A tibble: 15 x 6
    #>       id country round  type p_tot weight
    #>    <int> <fct>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
    #>  1     1 DE          2     2 0.801   1.25
    #>  2     2 DE          3     3 0.447   2.24
    #>  3     3 DE          1     1 0     Inf   
    #>  4     4 DE          1     1 0     Inf   
    #>  5     5 DE          1     1 0     Inf   
    #>  6     6 DE          2     2 0.801   1.25
    #>  7     7 DE          1     3 0     Inf   
    #>  8     8 DE          1     1 0     Inf   
    #>  9     9 UK          2     2 0.532   1.88
    #> 10    10 UK          3     1 0.475   2.10
    #> 11    11 UK          1     1 0     Inf   
    #> 12    12 UK          3     3 0.762   1.31
    #> 13    13 UK          2     1 0.475   2.10
    #> 14    14 UK          2     1 0.475   2.10
    #> 15    15 UK          2     2 0.532   1.88

    Created on 2020-06-17 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)