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Do I need to copy RootCA in machine 2 & 3's trusted root

  • I have 3 machines in domain and where I choose Machine1 to host web api application.

  • I have create my own CA RootCA and put in Machine1's trusted root.

  • then I issued one more certificate X with Machine1 fully qualified domain name from RootCA.

  • I put certificate X in Machine1's Personal root.

  • I bind my web api app with certificate X.

  • If I browse to my web api, it's running fine and NO certificate error.

  • Now when I am trying to browse my web api from Machine2 & Machine3, I am getting certificate error.

enter image description here

  • If I copied RootCA certificate to both Machine2 & Machine3's trusted store, then NO certificate error.

My questions,

  • It this required to copy RootCA certificate to both Machine2 & Machine3's trusted store?

  • Can I eliminate this steps? perhaps I don't want to install any certificate in Machine2 & Machine3. Is this possible?



  • It this required to copy RootCA certificate to both Machine2 & Machine3's trusted store?

    Yes, otherwise the machines won't be able to assert whether to trust the certificate(s) issued by it.

    can I eliminate this steps?

    No, but since they're domain members you can automate distribution of the root certificate via Group Policy by configuring the following setting in a GPO that targets machine 2 and 3:

    Path: Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Public Key Policies
    Setting: Trusted Root Certification Authorities