Consider method f
which is parameterised by a type constructor F[_]
and a proper type A
def f[F[_], A](v: F[A]) = v
Lets try to apply it to new Bar
scala> class Bar
class Bar
scala> def f[F[_], A](v: F[A]) = v
def f[F[_], A](v: F[A]): F[A]
scala> f(new Bar)
error: no type parameters for method f: (v: F[A]): F[A] exist so that it can be applied to arguments (Bar)
--- because ---
argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type;
found : Bar
required: ?F[?A]
error: type mismatch;
found : Bar
required: F[A]
This errors as expected as Bar
is not of the right shape.
Now lets add an implicit conversion from Bar
to List[Int]
scala> implicit def barToList(b: Bar): List[Int] = List(42)
def barToList(b: Bar): List[Int]
scala> f(new Bar)
val res1: Any = Bar@56881196
This compiles, however notice that implicit conversion did not seem to have actually been applied because the runtime class of res1
is Bar
and not List
. Furthermore, the compile-time type of res1
is Any
and not List[Int]
. Looking at output of -Xprint:typer
we see something like
val res1: Any = f[Any, Nothing](new Bar())
where we see the following inference happened
F[_] = Any
A = Nothing
as opposed to
F[_] = List
A = Int
and we see that no conversion actually happened, that is, we do not see something like
f(barToList(new Bar()))
Why did the mere presence of implicit conversion make the program compile whilst no implicit conversion was actually applied? Note that when being explicit about type parameters it works as expected
scala> f[List, Int](new Bar)
val res2: List[Int] = List(42)
I've noticed this issue before, and I think it can be tracked down to this code in the compiler:
// Then define remaining type variables from argument types.
foreach2(argtpes, formals) { (argtpe, formal) =>
val tp1 = argtpe.deconst.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
val pt1 = formal.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
// Note that isCompatible side-effects: subtype checks involving typevars
// are recorded in the typevar's bounds (see TypeConstraint)
if (!isCompatible(tp1, pt1)) {
throw new DeferredNoInstance(() =>
"argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type" + foundReqMsg(tp1, pt1))
val targs = solvedTypes(tvars, tparams, varianceInTypes(formals), upper = false, lubDepth(formals) max lubDepth(argtpes))
As I understand it, the problem is that the isCompatible
check looks for implicit conversions, but doesn't keep track of whether one was required or not, while solvedType
just looks at bounds.
So if you don't have the implicit conversion, isCompatible(Bar, F[A])
is false and the methTypeArgs
call throws the DeferredNoInstance
exception—it won't even consider Any
as a candidate for F
If you do have the implicit conversion, isCompatible(Bar, F[A])
is true, but the compiler promptly forgets that it's only true because of the implicit conversion, and solvedTypes
picks Any
for F
, which is allowed because of Scala's weird special-case kind-polymorphism for Any
. At that point the Bar
value is perfectly fine, since it's an Any
, and the compiler doesn't apply the conversion it found in isCompatible
(which it forgot that it needed).
(As a side note, if you provide explicit type parameters for f
, methTypeArgs
isn't called at all, and this discrepancy between isCompatible
and solvedTypes
is irrelevant.)
I think this must be a bug in the compiler. I don't know whether someone's already reported it (I just spent five minutes looking and didn't see it).