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setting up ACRA 5.5.1 in ReactNative 0.61.2

I am trying to setup ACRA for my react native project which using 0.61.2 version. I followed the basic setup tutorial from .

But while building the project I got errors

/android/app/src/main/java/com/agentnativeapp/ error: cannot find symbol
  CoreConfigurationBuilder builder = new CoreConfigurationBuilder(this)
symbol:   class CoreConfigurationBuilder
location: class MainApplication

I don't understand what am I missing. I thought I might be missing the jar file, but there are no instructions showing the requirement of jar file.

I am new to JAVA side of programming so I am new to all these jar stuff


  • Turns out it was all importing problem.

    import org.acra.; import org.acra.annotation.;

    The above statement doesn't actually import every class, so I have to CoreConfigurationBuilder separately

    import org.acra.config.CoreConfigurationBuilder;