I have a project divided in modules, here is a dummy example:
If I edit the cuda_file.cu with CLion, all the symbols are unresolved (even the includes from standard library) by CLion. All the code completion/creation features are then of course gone (among other things). The problem seems to be that whenever you create a library or an executable with only CUDA files, Clion becomes stupid and doesn't parse or resolve anything anymore.
There is two workarounds I've found but they are not friendly or "clean" to use :
Here is the CMakeLists.txt from the cuda module with the workaround:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
message(STATUS "Configuring module cuda")
# Build module static library
cuda_compile(cuda_objs ${CUDA_CU_SRCS} ${CUDA_CU_HDRS})
add_library(cuda STATIC ${CUDA_SRCS} ${cuda_objs})
# because only .cu files, help cmake detect C++ language
set_target_properties(cuda PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)
Is there a way to avoid CLion derping when resolving links to other headers and libraries ?
I've already added .cu and .cuh files as C/C++ code in CLion options and tried using JETBRAINS_IDE define option as explained in another similar post, but those two problems are not the same.
As of the version 2020.1 of CLion, CUDA projects are now officially supported