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Android: Programmatically set ImageView style

I have a ImageView and I need to programmatically apply the style to this image instead of doing it in xml

<style name="mainicon">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/icon_background</item>
    <item name="android:foregroundTint">@drawable/foreground_selector</item>

val buttonImageView = view.findViewById<ImageView>( as ImageView

My question is that how I can programmatically apply the style to this image view?


  • you can't change style of created and attached View. style may be set in constructor only, so if you are using XML declaration then style is already applied there (by style attribute, without android: prefix)

    you may remove your current View and add new in the same place with new style applied by contructor

    new ImageView(context, null,;

    or using ContextThemeWrapper

    new ImageView(new ContextThemeWrapper(context,;

    as an option you may also define in XML two ImageViews with different styles and switching their Visibility. this isn't best solution for performance, as you will keep additional, not used View in memory, but with Visiblity.GONE it won't be drawn, so won't take much memory and it may be easier to switch visibility rather than removing/adding new Views