I'm trying to query a list of soft-deleted Azure key vaults, then determine if the name of a specific key vault is listed.
az keyvault list-deleted --query "[?contains(name, $keyVaultName)]" -o json
That produces the output...
az keyvault list-deleted: error: argument --query: invalid jmespath_type value: '[?contains(name,whatever)]'
So apparently I need to wrap that variable name in single quotes - but how? Is there some sort of string concatenation function?
The contains return true or false, the format is
boolean contains(array|string $subject, any $search)
You could try this
az keyvault list-deleted --query "contains([].name,'$kv')"
Or, just wrap the variable in single quotes like this, it by default outputs as the JSON format.
az keyvault list-deleted --query "[?contains(name,'$kv')]"