When user clicks on submit button I need to validate current server time and date, and return error message if the server time is not in desired time interval or day (weekend).
Figured it out!
add_action("wpcf7_before_send_mail", "wpcf7_do_something_else", 15, 3);
function wpcf7_do_something_else($cf7, &$abort, $submission) {
$id = $cf7->id(); // id of your cf7 form
if ($id == 3580) {
$date = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ) );
$date = explode(" ", $date);
$day = $date[0];
$time = date_i18n( get_option( 'time_format' ) );
$time = explode(':',$time);
$hour = intval($time[0]);
//custom day and time validation
if ( ( $day == 'Sunday' || $day == 'Saturday' ) || !( ( 5 <= $hour) && ($hour <= 20) ) || ( $day == "Friday" && $hour >= 20 ) ) {
$abort = true; // &$abort reference
$submission->set_status( 'validation_failed' );
$errMsg = "Your error message"; // custom error message
$submission->set_response( $cf7->filter_message($errMsg) );
return $wpcf;
Hope this helps someone :)