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Updating learning rate with Libtorch 1.5 and optimiser options in C++

With the release of the 1.5 stable version of the C++ API for PyTorch, there are some changes in some of the object interfaces. For instance, now


won't work (here the optimiser being used is Adam) since learning_rate has changed to lr (see but moreover the optimiser no longer has options (no member named 'options' in 'torch::optim::Adam'). So my question is: how would one run


or update the learning rate


with the new release? Any help will be appreciated! Thank you


  • The optimisers now behave like their Python counterparts and the learning rates need to be set per parameter group.

    for (auto param_group : optimizer.param_groups()) {
      # Static cast needed as options() returns OptimizerOptions (base class)
      static_cast<torch::optim::AdamOptions &>(param_group.options()).lr(new_lr);

    If you didn't specify separate parameter groups, there will be only a single group and you could directly set its learning rate as suggested in Issue #35640 - How do you change Adam learning rate since the latest commits?:

    static_cast<torch::optim::AdamOptions &>(optimizer.param_groups()[0].options()).lr(new_lr)