After searching for the options in gives an output of "Strike Price", "Ask Price", "Bid Price" and "Implied Volatility". However, I want to filter it so that it will only give me "implied volatility" above 1. Since "implied volatility" has some 'None' values in the dictionary it gives me an error:
"float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'"
import config
import robin_stocks as r
#specify criteria to search for options
symbol = 'GE'
expirationDate = '2020-06-19'
strike = 8
#search for option given strike price, expiration date and symbol
#filter through low ask prices
#place order
search_option = r.find_options_for_stock_by_expiration(symbol,expirationDate,optionType='call')
for option in search_option:
if float(option['implied_volatility']) > 1:
print("Strike Price: {}, Ask: {}, Bid: {}, IV: {}".format(option['strike_price'],option['ask_price'],option['bid_price'],option['implied_volatility']))'
Just add this condition in the if
, as None
is evaluated to False
you don't need to do if val is not None
, just if val
is correct
if option['implied_volatility'] and float(option['implied_volatility']) > 1
Filter out the max implied_volatility
search_option = r.find_options_for_stock_by_expiration(...)
max_implied_volatility = max(float(option['implied_volatility'] or "-10000") for option in search_option)
for option in search_option:
if option['implied_volatility'] and \
float(option['implied_volatility']) > 1 and \
float(option['implied_volatility']) !=max_implied_volatility :
print("Strike Price: {}, Ask: {}, Bid: {}, IV: {}".format(...))'