I put an interval on the Vuetify data table to show the most recent date but the function is getting called but the table is not updating to show the new time in the cells. How can I update the table without refreshing the whole page?
Here is the codepen link showing my problem. https://codepen.io/entropy283/pen/rNxMXGX?editors=1011
You can store the new date in a data variable and use this variable in your template. Example:
// currentDate is the new data variable
<template v-slot:item.calories="{ item }">
<v-chip dark>{{ currentDate }}</v-chip>
return {
currentDate: null
mounted: function () {
// Execute immediately on mounted
this.currentDate = this.getColor();
this.$nextTick(function () {
window.setInterval(() => {
// Set current date
this.currentDate = this.getColor();
}, 1000);