I have the following usage string:
usage = """Usage:
counts_editing_precent_total_editing_to_csv.py out <output> files <pileupPercentFiles>... [--percentageField=<kn>] [--numReadsField=<kn>]
counts_editing_precent_total_editing_to_csv.py -h | --help
-h --help show this screen.
--percentageField=<kn> the column of the percent field in the input file [default: 7] .
--numReadsField=<kn> the column of the num of reads field in the input file [default: 4] .
and then I execute this code
args = docopt(usage)
I run the following command:
python <filename>.py out a files a b c
The output is:
{'--help': False,
'--numReadsField': None,
'--percentageField': None,
'-h': False,
'<output>': 'a',
'<pileupPercentFiles>': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
'files': True,
'out': True}
As you can see, the default values aren't used. I have seen other questions like this where the solution was 'Have two spaces between the command and it's description' and I made sure that I have. I really can't tell the difference from my example to the one which appears in the docs.
I ran it and it works. Recall that you should place the usage string before the from docopt import docopt
at the top of the file. Here is a script to reproduce it.
counts_editing_precent_total_editing_to_csv.py out <output> files <pileupPercentFiles>... [--percentageField=<kn>] [--numReadsField=<kn>]
counts_editing_precent_total_editing_to_csv.py -h | --help
-h --help show this screen.
--percentageField=<kn> the column of the percent field in the input file [default: 7] .
--numReadsField=<kn> the column of the num of reads field in the input file [default: 4] .
from docopt import docopt
ARGUMENTS = docopt(__doc__)