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ASP.Net Core 3.1 MVC custom tag helper condition attribute is always false

I created a tag helper for select elements in my web application:

[HtmlTargetElement( "select", Attributes = nameof( AutoPostBack ) )]
    public class AutoPostBackTagHelper : TagHelper
        public bool AutoPostBack { get; set; }

        public override void Process( TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output )
            // AutoPostBack is always false
            if ( AutoPostBack )
                output.Attributes.SetAttribute( "onchange", "this.form.submit();" );

            // here I could extract the attribute
            Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString x =
                (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString)context.AllAttributes[nameof( AutoPostBack )].Value;
            // and this is working
            if ( x.Value == "true" )
                output.Attributes.SetAttribute( "onchange", "this.form.submit();" );

Here is the usage in my view:

<select asp-for="MessageType"
    class="form-control" AutoPostBack="true">

I want to use the condition as it is recommended through the defined attribute AutoPostBack. Why is the attribute always false?


  • In order to get AutoPostBack parameter set you need to pass it to the tag helper in 'kebab-case'.

    See the comment in this example:

    I think if you use this it will work

    <select auto-post-back="true"></select>
    [HtmlTargetElement("select", Attributes = "auto-post-back")]
        public class AutoPostBackTagHelper : TagHelper
            public bool AutoPostBack { get; set; }
            public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
                // Will hopefully work :-)
                if (AutoPostBack)
                    output.Attributes.SetAttribute("onchange", "this.form.submit();");