I'm trying to connect to a Gremlin collection in Azure Cosmos DB using a resource token. I adapted the documentation from here (it's for C# mainly): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/how-to-use-resource-tokens-gremlin
The issue is that the date header of the token seems to be invalid once I try to access the data:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.exception.ResponseException:
ActivityId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
ExceptionType : UnauthorizedException
ExceptionMessage :
The input date header is invalid format. Please pass in RFC 1123 style date format.
ActivityId: 755ab024-fc79-47a3-bc44-3231b2db7dc1, documentdb-dotnet-sdk/2.7.0 Host/64-bit MicrosoftWindowsNT/6.2.9200.0
Source : Microsoft.Azure.Documents.ClientThe input date header is invalid format. Please pass in RFC 1123 style date format.
ActivityId: 755ab024-fc79-47a3-bc44-3231b2db7dc1, documentdb-dotnet-sdk/2.7.0 Host/64-bit MicrosoftWindowsNT/6.2.9200.0
BackendStatusCode : Unauthorized
BackendActivityId : 755ab024-fc79-47a3-bc44-3231b2db7dc1
HResult : 0x80131500
Anyone knows how to fix that? The JVM is set to GMT via -Duser.timezone=GMT
Here's the code. Please note that it's a Java CLI application just for testing connectivity. All data of the cfg
is basically given by cli, method names should be self-explanatory.
Token generation, this is using the master key for the DocumentClient
import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClient;
import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException;
import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.FeedResponse;
import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.Permission;
import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.PermissionMode;
import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.ResourceResponse;
import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.User;
public class TokenGenerator {
private String USER_ID = "demo-1";
public String generateToken(CmdLineConfiguration cfg) throws DocumentClientException {
try (DocumentClient client = Utilities.documentClientFrom(cfg)) {
String databaseLink = String.format("/dbs/%s", cfg.getDatabaseId());
String collectionLink = String.format("/dbs/%s/colls/%s", cfg.getDatabaseId(), cfg.getCollectionId());
// get all users within database
FeedResponse<User> queryResults = client.readUsers(databaseLink, null);
List<User> onlineUsers = queryResults.getQueryIterable().toList();
// if a user exists, grab the first one, if not create it
User user;
Optional<User> onlineUser = onlineUsers.stream().filter(u -> u.getId().equals(USER_ID)).findFirst();
if (onlineUser.isPresent()) {
user = onlineUser.get();
} else {
User u = new User();
ResourceResponse<User> generatedUser = client.createUser(databaseLink, u, null);
user = generatedUser.getResource();
// read permissions, if existent use, else create
FeedResponse<Permission> permissionResponse = client.readPermissions(user.getSelfLink(), null);
List<Permission> onlinePermissions = permissionResponse.getQueryIterable().toList();
Permission permission;
if (onlinePermissions.size() == 0) {
Permission p = new Permission();
p.setId(USER_ID + "_READ");
ResourceResponse<Permission> generatedPermission = client.createPermission(user.getSelfLink(), p, null);
permission = generatedPermission.getResource();
} else {
permission = onlinePermissions.get(0);
// return the token
return permission.getToken();
Connect and query Gremlin:
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.AuthProperties;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.AuthProperties.Property;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Client;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Cluster;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ResultSet;
Cluster cluster;
String collectionLink = String.format("/dbs/%s/colls/%s", cfg.getDatabaseId(), cfg.getCollectionId());
TokenGenerator tg = new TokenGenerator();
String token = tg.generateToken(cfg);
Cluster.Builder builder = Cluster.build(new File("src/remote.yaml"));
AuthProperties authenticationProperties = new AuthProperties();
authenticationProperties.with(AuthProperties.Property.USERNAME, collectionLink);
authenticationProperties.with(Property.PASSWORD, token);
cluster = builder.create();
Client client = cluster.connect();
ResultSet results = client.submit("g.V().limit(1)");
// the following call fails
hosts: [COSMOSNAME.gremlin.cosmosdb.azure.com]
port: 443
username: /dbs/DBNAME/colls/COLLECTIONNAME
connectionPool: { enableSsl: true}
serializer: { className: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.GraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0, config: { serializeResultToString: true }}
With Azure Support I found out that the issue was a bug on Azure side. It occurres when using custom VNets together with Cosmos. Meanwhile Azure has fixed it and everything is working.