I´ve seen several questions in this matter, but haven´t been able to find a solutions to adapt in my case. I got a one level dictionary with several key:value pairs, in which the keys are names and the values are always numerical (float), like the following:
dict = {'keyname1':0.44,'keyname2':1.23,'keyname3':0.76}
And I need to create a list of dicts with two key:value pairs, like:
new_dict_list = [{'name':'keyname1', 'time':0.44},{'name':'keyname2', 'time':1.23},{'name':'keyname3', 'time':0.76}]
This is as simple as continuously making a dictionary with those values. We can use dict.items()
to iterate through the items (key value pair).
new_dict_list = [
{'name': name, 'time': time}
for name, time in dict.items()