I am a bit lost with reading the python docx documentation.
I read the file with a proprietary font inside.
document_original = docx.Document('doc_orig.docx')
styles = document_original.styles
propitiatory_default = styles['Default']
I check that indeed the style has the font I need.
I create a new document with text with the style and font I need.
doc = docx.Document()
para = doc.add_paragraph()
para.style = proprietary_default
para_run = para.add_run('this is a text')
file_new = 'font_test_2'
doc.save( file_new+ '.docx')
However if I open the file, I do not see the proprietary_default style.
document_new = docx.Document(file_new+'.docx')
styles = document_new.styles
for s in styles:
Do you know how can I solve this issue?
Font should be applied not to style, but to paragraphs' font name:
doc = docx.Document()
para = doc.add_paragraph()
para_run = para.add_run('this is a text')