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I am getting error and code stops going to next network device to login.. Networking-Programming Python

I have cisoc_ios routers and fortinet firewall and HP switches in "devices_list" but when I run this code and when it hits fortinet firewall , it does not give error as it is not cisco_ios and tries to login.. And after login it gives error as it can not go into config mode(obviously) . So I need to improve my below code so that code throws error when fortinet or hp devices comes instead of trying to login and it shud continue until all devices have been tried.

    from getpass import getpass
    from netmiko import ConnectHandler
    from netmiko.ssh_exception import NetMikoTimeoutException
    from netmiko.ssh_exception import AuthenticationException
    from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException

    username = input("Enter username:  ")
    password = getpass()
    with open('commands_file.txt') as f:
        commands_list =
    with open('devices_list.txt') as f:
        devices_list =
    for devices in devices_list:
        print("Connecting to device:  " + devices)
        host_name_of_device = devices
        ios_device = {
            'device_type' : 'cisco_ios' ,
            'host' : host_name_of_device ,
            'username' : username ,
            'password' : password ,
            net_connect = ConnectHandler(**ios_device)
        except (AuthenticationException):
            print("Authetication failure: " + host_name_of_device)
        except (NetMikoTimeoutException):
            print("Time out from device: " + host_name_of_device)
        except (EOFError):
            print("End of File reached: " + host_name_of_device)
        except (SSHException):
            print("Not able to SSH: Try with Telnet:  " + host_name_of_device)
        except Exception as unknown_error:
            print("other: " + unknown_error)
        output = net_connect.send_config_set(commands_list)


  • netmiko can autodetect the type of the device. You should use this before running the commands.

    from netmiko.ssh_autodetect import SSHDetect
        for devices in devices_list:
            print("Connecting to device:  " + devices)
            host_name_of_device = devices
            remote_device = {
                'device_type' : 'autodetect' , # Autodetect device type
                'host' : host_name_of_device ,
                'username' : username ,
                'password' : password ,
            guesser = SSHDetect(**remote_device)
            best_match = guesser.autodetect()
            if best_match != 'cisco_ios':
                print("Device {} is of type {}. Ignoring "
                      "device".format(host_name_of_device, best_match))
            # Device type is cisco_ios
            remote_device['device_type'] = best_match # Detected device type
                net_connect = ConnectHandler(**remote_device)