I'm trying to build a chat component in Angular 9 PWA. Now I'm wondering how to implement an "automatic scroll to bottom" functionallity when a new message is being displayed in the chat window.
For this purpose, I've created a custom ScrollToBottom directive and applied it to chat DIV container.
<div class="msg_history" scrollToBottom>
<li class="message" *ngFor="let message of messages | async">
In this directive I have a method called scrollToBottom.
public scrollToBottom() {
const el: HTMLDivElement = this._el.nativeElement;
setTimeout(() => el.scrollTop = Math.max(0, el.scrollHeight - el.offsetHeight));
Now, my question is, whether is it possible (and how?) to call a directive's method from the Chat component after a Conversetion Subject recives a new message.
//In component
this.chatService.conversation.subscribe(() => DIRECTIVE.scrollToBottom());
OR it's better way to omit the Chat component and inject the Chat Service directly in the Directive in order to handle a Conversetion Subject changes there ?
selector: '[scrollToBottom]'
export class ScrollToBottomDirective {
constructor(private _el: ElementRef, private chat: ChatService) { }
public ngAfterViewInit() {
this.chat.conversation.subscribe(() => this.scrollToBottom());
public scrollToBottom() {
const el: HTMLDivElement = this._el.nativeElement;
setTimeout(() => el.scrollTop = Math.max(0, el.scrollHeight - el.offsetHeight));
Thank you in forward ;-)
yep, inside the chat component, you can leverage the ViewChild
decorator to get a reference to the components\directives inside the current component
@ViewChild(ScrollToBottomDirective) child: ScrollToBottomDirective;
//In component
this.chatService.conversation.subscribe(() => this.child.scrollToBottom());