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How can I get 0 as value in Count(field) when Group by value is not present in any row for fk_user_id

I have provided all required sql queries here. Currently when I run below Group By query, it gives me O/P for each fk_user_id if at-least 1 Colour is present for that user.

I already gone through all available solutions on Stack Overflow but in each solution there is only 1 field as group by and I want to group by on 2 fields in sequence.

I want count(*) as 0 value for any user if Colour is not available for that user.

For ex. in below query, fk_user_id (37 and 75) contains only 1 row for Colour White and Black respectively. I want same result with 2 more rows as for

fk_user_id=37 and color Black as 0 vote and

fk_user_id=75 and color White as 0 vote

Create Table Query

CREATE TABLE public.color_value
  id bigint,
  color character varying(15),
  fk_user_id bigint
ALTER TABLE public.color_value
  OWNER TO postgres;

Insert Data Query

INSERT INTO public.color_value(id, color, fk_user_id)
(1, 'Black', 15), (2, 'White', 27), (3, 'White', 54), (4, 'Black', 75), (5, 'Black', 27), (6, 'Black', 97), (7, 'White', 37), 
(8, 'Black', 58), (9, 'White', 15), (10, 'Black', 54), (11, 'White', 97), (12, 'White', 58), (13, 'White', 54), (14, 'Black', 75),
(15, 'Black', 27), (16, 'Black', 97), (17, 'White', 37), (18, 'Black', 58), (19, 'Black', 15), (20, 'White', 27), (21, 'White', 54),
(22, 'Black', 75), (23, 'Black', 27), (24, 'Black', 97), (25, 'White', 37), (26, 'Black', 58), (27, 'White', 15), (28, 'White', 37),
(29, 'Black', 58), (30, 'White', 15), (31, 'Black', 54), (32, 'White', 97), (33, 'White', 58), (34, 'White', 54), (35, 'Black', 75);

Select Query With Group By

select count(*) AS vote, color, fk_user_id 
from color_value 
group by fk_user_id, color 
order by fk_user_id, color;

Current Output

enter image description here

Thank you in advance.


  • You can enumerate the users and colors first, then bring the table with a left join:

    select count(cv.color) AS vote, u.fk_user_id, c.color 
    from (select distinct color from color_value) c
    cross join (select distinct fk_user_id from color_value) u
    left join color_value cv on cv.fk_user_id = u.fk_user_id and cv.color = c.color
    group by u.fk_user_id, c.color 
    order by u.fk_user_id, c.color;