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update every row with a different random datetime of a range

The question asked here is

Update every row with a random datetime between two dates

to update with the same datetime.

What I need is to update every row with a different random datetime within a range.


  • With:

    strftime('%s', enddate) - strftime('%s', startdate)

    you can get the difference in seconds between 2 datetimes.

    abs(random() % (strftime('%s', enddate) - strftime('%s', startdate) + 1))

    you can get a random integer, greater or equal to 0, that is less than or equal to the difference between the 2 datetimes in seconds.
    What you can do is add this random number of seconds to the starting date of your range to create a random datetime within that range:

    update tablename 
    set datecol = datetime(
      abs(random() % (strftime('%s', enddate) - strftime('%s', startdate) + 1)) || ' second'

    datecol is the date column in your table
    startdate and enddate are the boundaries of your range.