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How Can i receive incoming mails(gmail) to my application server using imap (nodejs)

I would like to read the complete incoming mail using imap. But imap is only notifying me the number of new mails I have received

 imap.on('mail', (number) => {
      console.log('got mails', number);

Is there any way I can read the incoming mails ?

Any help would be thankful


    1. Take a look on Node.js Quickstart, it will guide you very well.
    2. Use Users.messages: list to get mail ids, here is a direct link of Try this API
    3. Once you get your email id list, you can use Users.messages: get
    4. Take a look on fetch sent emails from gmail imap using nodejs

    Here is a step by step guide how to get your mail inbox:

    1. Enable IMAP
    2. Enable less secure apps
    3. Install imap package with npm install imap
    4. Create index.js with the next code:
    const Imap = require('imap'), inspect = require('util').inspect;
    const myMail = "***";
    const myPwd = "***";
    let getEmailFromInbox = (mailServer) => {
      mailServer.openBox('INBOX', true, function (err, box) {
        if (err) throw err;
        let f = mailServer.seq.fetch('1:*', {
          struct: true
        f.on('message', function (msg, seqno) {
          console.log('Message #%d', seqno);
          let prefix = '(#' + seqno + ') ';
          msg.on('body', function (stream, info) {
            let buffer = '';
            stream.on('data', function (chunk) {
              buffer += chunk.toString('utf8');
            stream.once('end', function () {
              console.log(prefix + 'Parsed header: %s', inspect(Imap.parseHeader(buffer)));
        f.once('error', function (err) {
          console.log('Fetch error: ' + err);
        f.once('end', function () {
          console.log('Done fetching all messages!');
    let createLabel = (mailServer, labelName) => {
      mailServer.addBox(labelName, (err) => {});
      console.log('message', 'New Label or Box Created');
    let getMailboxStatusByName = (mailServer, inboxName) => {
      mailServer.status(inboxName, (err, mailbox) => {
        console.log('message', mailbox);
      console.log('message', 'Label or Box Status');
    let getMailBoxLabels = (mailServer) => {
      mailServer.getBoxes((error, mailbox) => {
        console.log('message', mailbox);
    let deleteLabel = (mailServer, labelName) => {
      mailServer.delBox(labelName, (error) => {})
      console.log('message', 'Label or Box removed');
    let mailServer1 = new Imap({
      user: myMail,
      password: myPwd,
      host: '',
      port: 993,
      tls: true,
      tlsOptions: {
        rejectUnauthorized: false
      authTimeout: 3000
    }).once('error', function (err) {
      console.log('Source Server Error:- ', err);
    mailServer1.once('ready', function () {
      mailServer1.openBox('INBOX', true, function (err, box) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('message', 'server1 ready');
      // mail operation
      //createLabel(mailServer1, "demo-label1");
      //deleteLabel(mailServer1, "demo-label1");
      //getMailboxStatusByName(mailServer1, "INBOX");
    1. run node index.js and check your mail output

    adapt this snippet to your needs