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How to turn off DocFX build each time i rebuild project in Visual Studio [2019] [NuGet]

I tried to start using DocFX and it meets my requirements, but I have a minor problem that is quite bothersome in the long run.

Every time I change something in the project and enable debugging, the DocFX's nuget adapts to the new changes.

This is correct behavior, but I would like to be able to turn this off for some time. It doesn't take long, but due to frequent changes it significantly extends the time to test anything.

I was looking in user Manual: and I tried to do it on my own, but I didn't find any way to do that except to throw the nuget out of the project.


  • How to turn off DocFX build each time i rebuild project in Visual Studio [2019] [NuGet]

    This is the feature of the nuget package docfx.console and I suggest you could turn off this nuget package temporarily by this way:

    Use a new configuration which removes the docfx nuget package to test it.

    1) add a new configuration called test

    enter image description here

    2) If it is a net framework project with packages.config, you should

    change this in xxx.csproj file:

    <Import Project="..\packages\docfx.console.2.55.0\build\docfx.console.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\docfx.console.2.55.0\build\docfx.console.targets')/>


     <Import Project="..\packages\docfx.console.2.55.0\build\docfx.console.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\docfx.console.2.55.0\build\docfx.console.targets') and '$(Configuration)'!='Test'" />

    Then, you can switch the configuration as you want to get your goal.

    The Test Configuration will not consume the package and other configuration will consume it.


    If it is a net project with PackageReference, you should add <ExcludeAssets>buildtransitive</ExcludeAssets> under PackageReference node to prevent consumption of the target files of the package:

    Like this:

            <PackageReference Include="docfx.console" >
                <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>