Hi I found the below function on some website somewhere and just have a couple of questions. The function returns a diamond of n lines made from asterisks.
work?def diamond(n):
result = ""
for line in list(range(n)) + list(reversed(range(n-1))):
result += f"{'': <{n - line - 1}} {'':*<{line*2+1}}\n"
return result
Regarding the iteration: yes, it iterates over a concatenation of two ranges, but it's not the most optimal way to do it. Using itertools.chain()
looks like a better choice.
For the formatting part: f"{'':*<{n}}"
literally means "right-pad the empty string with *
to the length of n
characters". In other words, it's some cryptic way of saying '*' * n
More generally, everything that goes after :
defines the format in the format specification mini-language.
Overall, this is quite a bad piece of code, don't use it as an example.