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WebSphere config over ssh. Set Web Container max size

I am running WebSphere. To install a war file I go through GUI installer and on the last stage press View administrative scripting command for last action to see the command line syntax that I can use in my ansible-playbook.

I also need to Servers -> Server types -> WebSphere application servers -> server -> Thread pool and set Web Container -> Maximum size = 1000

How to do it over ssh or in ansible-playbook?


  • I'm pretty sure you will need to invoke wsadmin with scripting to get that done, something like:

    pools = AdminConfig.list('ThreadPool', AdminConfig.getid( '/Cell:Cell01/Node:Node01/Server:server1/')).split()
    AdminConfig.modify(pools[10], '[[maximumSize "100"] [name "WebContainer"] [minimumSize "50"]')