I'm trying import PDF file with mPDF.
PDF file is sent from other service, and my initial idea was to use wrappers. (preferably php://memory
What errors I get:
Warning: filesize(): stat failed for php://memory in /var/www/scrm/modules/AOS_PDF_Templates/PDF_Lib/mpdfi/pdf_parser.php on line 181
mPDF error: Cannot open php://memory !
(this one is printed to browser BTW)
I have PDF checked:
Both work, so PDF is not an issue.
I have checked contents of php://memory
, they are valid as well.
Here is example code:
//part of the code, $content is defined earlier (.pdf file content)
$memoryFile = 'php://memory';
$handle = fopen($memoryFile,'r+');
/* dump it to string, just to be sure, part of how i was checking that pdf got saved to $memoryFile
even with this part removed still doesn't work, so no file issue here
$str= fread($handle,strlen($content)); //str gets filled with expected data
rewind($handle); //rewind for use by mPDF
$pdf = new mPDF;
$pagecount = $pdf->SetSourceFile($memoryFile);
Solutions I have in mind:
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 WSL, PHP version 7.2.31, mPDF version 5.7.1
Upgrade your mPDF version at least to 8.0.0.
Since version 8, mPDF uses updated underlying library FPDI 2 that supports importing files from php://memory
or any stream, generally.