I want to draw a clean network graph like this image.
But I couldn't find how can I do this. I have to use css for removing part of cell border line, but, as far as I know, dot file is not supported css. I want to insert ellipse shape node, separate node with vertical bar, How can I draw a graph that satisfies these conditions? My dot file has self loop, so I can't use networkx. Any other ways are exist? or can I solve use dot file?
My dot file code is
digraph {
// size = "6,8.5";
// ratio = "fill";
// layout = "circo"
forcelabels = True;
node [shape = ellipse];
node [fontsize = 10];
// node [penwidth = 3];
edge [fontsize = 10];
// A [pos = "0,2"]
// B [pos = "-2,-2"]
// C [pos = "0,1"]
// D [pos = "2,-2"]
// E [pos = "0,-3"]
node[shape = point];
x1[style = invis]
{rank=same; A,C}
{rank=same; B,E}
A -> C [label = "4|1.0\l"];
B -> B [label = "1|:0.979\l"];
C:nw -> C:ne [label = "3|0.167\l"];
C -> D [label = "5|0.115\l"];
D:nw -> C:sw [xlabel = "3|0.103\l4|0:0.315\l"];
D:se -> x1 [dir = none]
x1 -> D:sw [xlabel = "5|0.308\l6|0:0.253\l"];
E -> B [label = "4|0.5\l"];
E -> D [label = "6|0.5\l"];
Two ways to create your nodes, one fairly close (well to my eyes) and pretty easy to replicate. The other will allow you to recreate your example, but requires using two programs (dot and a program to create individual nodes in svg - like Inkscape)
digraph structs {
// if oblong is good enough, this works
node [shape=none]
try3 [label=<
<TABLE border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="rounded" >
<TR><TD width="40">A</TD><VR/><TD width="40">*111<BR/>*101<BR/>*011</TD></TR>
// if you really want a circular node, perfectly split
// create the node images with another program (like Inkscape)
// and include as an image
try5 [image="/tmp/split1.svg" label=""]