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AWS Lambda functions NodeJs for postgreSQL - timeout error

I am new to AWS. I am trying to connect to AWS RDS postgreSQL instance using Lambda functions. I followed the aws documentation. But it uses python for Lambda functions. Below is my code.

'use strict';
var pg = require('pg');
exports.handler = function (event, context) {
    var dbConfig = {
        username: '<username>',
        password: '<password>',
        database: '<database>',
        host: '<db-endpoint>',
    var client = new pg.Client(dbConfig);
    try {
        context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
    catch (err) {

I am getting timeout error as below

START RequestId: 368e619e-ed9d-4241-93a5-764ee01aa847 Version: $LATEST
2020-06-15T16:28:18.911Z    368e619e-ed9d-4241-93a5-764ee01aa847    INFO    connected
END RequestId: 368e619e-ed9d-4241-93a5-764ee01aa847
REPORT RequestId: 368e619e-ed9d-4241-93a5-764ee01aa847  Duration: 20020.16 ms   Billed Duration: 20000 ms   Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 70 MB  Init Duration: 150.01 ms    
2020-06-15T16:28:38.901Z 368e619e-ed9d-4241-93a5-764ee01aa847 Task timed out after 20.02 seconds

Please advise on the error.

I have few other questions to ensure if my code is correct

  • I gave db instance endpoint url for db-endpoint. is that right? or if not what should i use there?

  • is there any proper documentation available, for the beginners like me, about Lambda functions with nodejs to connect postgres on RDS?


  • You're not returning anything from the lambda. So the request keeps hanging without a response until it times out.

    Use the third argument callback supplied to the handler to respond or return a Promise.

    'use strict';
    var pg = require('pg');
    exports.handler = function (event, context,callback) {
        var dbConfig = {
            username: '<username>',
            password: '<password>',
            database: '<database>',
            host: '<db-endpoint>',
        var client = new pg.Client(dbConfig);
        try {
            context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
            //send the response
            callback(null,"Some Response")
        catch (err) {

    AWS example : AWS Lambda NodeJS Connect to RDS Postgres Database

    You can read the official js docs with all methods and properties here :

    Hope this helps !