I am trying to create from scratch a docx file report, so I am using the python-docx library ver 0.8.10, with great results. When I am adding a header to the document, the header has the default values of "Header from Top:" = 0.5 Inches. I see this value when I have created the docx file and opened it in MS WORD.
So, how can I configure the "Header from Top" and the "Footer from Bottom" default values? For example How can I configure the header to be "Header from Top" = 0.1 inches? Something like header.top_margins = Inches(0.1). I have checked online but haven't found anything related.
Thanks in advance
I think you're looking for Section.header_distance
and .footer_distance
Length object representing the distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the header. None if no setting is present in the XML.