my knowledge of python is rather limited so I might just be poking in the dark...
What I am attempting to do is open a file, write some stuff in it and close it.
The problem I have is, what if that file is opened?
To fit my needs, it needs to be closed, no matter what's happening to it, so I can open it via python application.
So if I cant open a file that's open, I can try to force close it and then open it via python?
Found this lib:
It kind of does what I want, maybe I'm just missing on the how.
It currently returns me a list of all processes and gives me ids that I can use to kill processes.(find_procs_by_name, kill_proc_tree)
While in reality, I would like to close test.csv that is open in excel instead of closing all of excel, any ideas how I can achieve that?
You can use pgrep
as if it was a shell command.
Get your ID through conditionals and then kill it as Andrew said.
Another approach using psutils with a loop loking for a process given a name:
import psutil
# Get all proces in a list
pids = psutil.pids()
print("There is", len(pids), "Process")
#Search process with this string
name_like = "evolution"
# Loop checking for the pid "name_like"
i = 0
while i<len(pids):
print("i is", i)
print("pid (pids[i]) is", pids[i])
print("Proces name is", psutil.Process(pid=pids[i]).name())
if name_like in psutil.Process(pid=pids[i]).name():
print("KILL THIS F@*!& PROCESS")
This is the output:
i is 181
pid (pids[i]) is 1834
Proces name is evolution-calendar-factory