I wonder if it is possible to load reference data in the first call. In my case I want to load the patient reference in the Encounter Resource. As I know I always need the patient data I want to avoid to to do an additional call to get the patient data.
The server is HAPI FHIR and the client firely .Net API
Yes, that is possible. Your request will have to be a search, that way you can include any referenced resources.
On REST level it looks like this:
GET <hapi_server>/Encounter?_include=patient
Add any filters you have. For example if you have a specific encounter you would add &_id=<technical_id>
With the FhirClient from the .Net api, the code looks like this:
var c = new FhirClient("<hapi_server");
var q = new SearchParams().Include("Encounter:patient");
q.Add("_id", "<technical_id>");
var result = c.Search<Encounter>(q);