I'm trying to understand Linear Regression with Gradient Descent and I do not understand this part in my loss_gradients
function below.
import numpy as np
def forward_linear_regression(X, y, weights):
# dot product weights * inputs
N = np.dot(X, weights['W'])
# add bias
P = N + weights['B']
# compute loss with MSE
loss = np.mean(np.power(y - P, 2))
forward_info = {}
forward_info['X'] = X
forward_info['N'] = N
forward_info['P'] = P
forward_info['y'] = y
return loss, forward_info
Here is where I'm stuck in my understanding, I have commented out my questions:
def loss_gradients(forward_info, weights):
# to update weights, we need: dLdW = dLdP * dPdN * dNdW
dLdP = -2 * (forward_info['y'] - forward_info['P'])
dPdN = np.ones_like(forward_info['N'])
dNdW = np.transpose(forward_info['X'], (1, 0))
dLdW = np.dot(dNdW, dLdP * dPdN)
# why do we mix matrix multiplication and dot product like this?
# Why not dLdP * dPdN * dNdW instead?
# to update biases, we need: dLdB = dLdP * dPdB
dPdB = np.ones_like(forward_info[weights['B']])
dLdB = np.sum(dLdP * dPdB, axis=0)
# why do we sum those values along axis 0?
# why not just dLdP * dPdB ?
It looks to me like this code is expecting a 'batch' of data. What I mean by that is, it's expecting that when you do forward_info
and loss_gradients
, you're actually passing a bunch of (X, y) pairs together. Let's say you pass B such pairs. The first dimension of all of your forward info stuff will have size B.
Now, the answers to both of your questions are the same: essentially, these lines compute the gradients (using the formulas you predicted) for each of the B terms, and then sum up all of the gradients so you get one gradient update. I encourage you to work out the logic behind the dot product yourself, because this is a very common pattern in ML, but it's a little tricky to get the hang of at first.