I am not sure where I am going wrong. When I run the following the models within the tuning grid are failing. I get this Warning message: 'All models failed in tune_grid()'. Any help will be very much appreciated.
# PREPROCESSING -- RECIPE ---------------------------------------------------------------------
xgb_recipe <- recipe(EVENT ~ ., data = train_data) %>% # define target & data
#step_string2factor(all_nominal()) %>%
#step_dummy(all_predictors()) %>%
recipes::step_other(all_nominal(), threshold = 0.01) %>%
recipes::step_nzv(all_nominal()) %>%
#step_downsample(EVENT) %>%
> xgb_recipe
Data Recipe
role #variables outcome 1 predictor 272
Training data contained 2427 data points and no missing data.
Collapsing factor levels for PROGRAM_TYPE_CODE, PREFERENCE_NUMBER, ... [trained] Sparse, unbalanced variable filter removed PRIOR_PGRD_PRG_YR, PRIOR_TF_SC_PRG_YR, ETHNIC_GROUP_DESC, HASEMAIL, ... [trained]
# XGB SPEC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
xgb_spec <- boost_tree(
trees = 600, ## nround=6000
tree_depth = tune(), min_n = tune(), ## max_depth = 6
loss_reduction = tune(), ## first three: model complexity
sample_size = tune(), mtry = tune(), ## randomness
learn_rate = tune(), ## step size,
#objective = 'multi:softprob' #%>%
#nthreads=20 %>%
#print_every_n = 300
) %>%
set_engine("xgboost") %>%
Boosted Tree Model Specification (classification)
Main Arguments: mtry = tune() trees = 600 min_n = tune()
tree_depth = tune() learn_rate = tune() loss_reduction = tune()
sample_size = tune()Computational engine: xgboost
# GRID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
xgb_grid <- grid_latin_hypercube(
sample_size = sample_prop(),
finalize(mtry(), train_data),
size = 20
A tibble: 20 x 6 tree_depth min_n loss_reduction sample_size mtry learn_rate 1 4 15 1.71e- 6 0.256 110 2.14e- 9 2 7
29 4.08e- 8 0.836 97 2.07e-10 3 10 26
6.44e- 7 0.883 66 7.59e- 8 4 8 28 9.77e- 1 0.964 270 3.90e- 8 5 1 19 4.27e- 4
0.733 208 8.00e- 4 6 3 5 1.61e+ 1 0.392 220 4.04e-10 7 5 9 1.48e- 9 0.673 163
1.63e- 7 8 11 34 4.20e- 5 0.569 178 1.69e- 8 9 12 38 7.80e+ 0 0.143 79 8.67e- 7 10
4 12 5.58e- 9 0.946 173 1.17e- 2 11 14
2 1.30e- 4 0.805 202 1.10e- 4 12 15 21
9.15e- 3 0.454 134 3.82e- 3 13 9 21 4.99e- 6 0.500 10 2.91e- 9 14 7 17 7.60e-10
0.232 248 1.57e- 6 15 12 11 4.85e- 1 0.297 21 1.23e- 5 16 7 35 7.63e- 8 0.516 95
9.60e- 2 17 2 6 1.01e- 1 0.353 48 3.57e- 6 18 10 23 2.57e-10 0.161 33 1.46e- 2 19
13 40 2.00e- 3 0.715 150 3.44e- 5 20 5
32 1.25e- 2 0.610 234 4.95e- 4
# WORKFLOW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
xgb_wf <- workflow() %>%
add_recipe(xgb_recipe) %>%
══ Workflow ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Preprocessor: Recipe Model: boost_tree()
── Preprocessor ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 2 Recipe Steps
● step_other() ● step_nzv()
── Model ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Boosted Tree Model Specification (classification)
Main Arguments: mtry = tune() trees = 600 min_n = tune()
tree_depth = tune() learn_rate = tune() loss_reduction = tune()
sample_size = tune()Computational engine: xgboost
# CROSS-VALIDATION Resamples -----------------------------------------------------------------
# 10 fold CV
cv_folds <- vfold_cv(train_data)
10-fold cross-validation
A tibble: 10 x 2 splits id 1 Fold01 2 Fold02 3
Fold03 4 Fold04 5 Fold05 6 Fold06 7 Fold07 8 Fold08 9 Fold09 10 Fold10
# TUNING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
all_cores <- parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE)
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(all_cores)
s <- Sys.time()
xgb_res <- tune_grid(
resamples = cv_folds,
grid = xgb_grid,
control = control_grid(save_pred = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE)
Sys.time() - s
xgb_res # 10-fold cross-validation # A tibble: 10 x 5 splits id .metrics .notes .predictions
1 Fold01
2 Fold02
3 Fold03
4 Fold04
5 Fold05
6 Fold06
7 Fold07
8 Fold08
9 Fold09
10 Fold10
Warning message:
All models failed in tune_grid(). See the .notes
The xgboost algorithm is quite fussy about the data, must be numeric, perhaps worth checking.
In the absence of a reproducible sample of data with your code it is hard to be sure where the problem lies.
If the data is sensitive then just create some faux data.
Perhaps try running a small sample model without the parallelization to see if that isolates the problem.