Is it possible to create a type with a numeric argument?
i.e. if I want to create a type of integers with a fixed bit-width:
newtype FixedWidth w = FixedWidth Integer
addFixedWidth :: FixedWidth w -> FixedWidth w -> FixedWidth (w+1)
mulFixedWidth :: FixedWidth w -> FixedWidth w -> FixedWidth (2*w)
So that the type-checker only allows FixedWidth
s of the same type to be added or multiplied, but also determines the correct precision of the result.
I know you can do something like this:
data Nil = Nil
data Succ x = Succ
addFixedWidth :: FixedWidth w -> FixedWidth w -> FixedWidth (Succ w)
and represent the number 4 as Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Nil))))
, but that's incredibly ugly. I also need to figure out how to append two Succ
s for the multiply result type.
The feature you are looking for is type-level naturals, know as the -XTypeNats
extension to Haskell.
At the moment this is possibly only in an experimental branch of GHC. It is likely to merge into GHC by 7.4 I think.
Some further reading: