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I have a simple python program where i want to deselect the checkbutton by default. I want to see it the same way as when a user unchecks a tick box. Please let me know how to achieve it.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
def urgentReq():
global box
state = box.state()
print ("--> Urgent: ",state)
print ("--> Not Urgent:",state)
gui = Tk()
box = ttk.Checkbutton(gui, text ='Urgent Request', command=lambda: urgentReq())
box.grid(column=1, row=4, pady=40, sticky="N")
#write something here to unselect the box by default
Somehow the initial state of the CheckButton = ('alternate',)
There is a workaround I found here: tkk checkbutton appears when loaded up with black box in it. If you apply it to your code like this, it seems to work:
checkVar = IntVar()
box = ttk.Checkbutton(gui, text ='Urgent Request', command=lambda: urgentReq(), variable=checkVar)