I have a script to upload a package to Octopus and I am using delta compression and I am getting the following fail: Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'DeltaCompression'. Cannot convert value "System.String" to type "System.Boolean". I am using the Delta Compression in my push call, I have set $DeltaCompression to type bool so I am not sure why it is saying convert string to boolean in the failure message. Can someone show what is wrong or a fix for this? Thanks.
#Function to push packages to Octopus
function PushPackage {
Write-Host "Pushing $Package to Octopus"
& $OctoExePath push --package $Package --server $OctopusUri --apiKey $ApiKey --use-delta-compression $DeltaCompression --logLevel 'verbose'
}until($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 -or $LASTEXITCODE -eq $null -or $tries -gt 5)
$failMessage = "$($_.Exception.ToString()).$($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)"
Write-Host "PUSH PACKAGE Exception--------- $failMessage"
$Package = "C:\temp\OctoTest\MyTestPackage.1.0.0.zip"
$OctoExePath = "C:\Users\QVL6\Downloads\OctopusTools.7.3.7.win-x64\octo.exe"
$DeltaCompression = "$false"
PushPackage $OctopusUri $ApiKey $Package $DeltaCompression
You have to replace the line.
From :
$DeltaCompression = "$false"
To :
[bool]$DeltaCompression = $false;