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FastAPI equivalent of Flask's request.form, for agnostic forms

I try to migrate from Flask to FastAPI, and I was wondering if there is something similar to Flask's:

payload = request.form.to_dict(flat=False)
payload = {key:payload[key][0] for key in payload}

for FastAPI.

Until now I've found only some hacks, were you still had to implement one-by-one all the form's arguments to a function:

from pydantic import BaseModel
class FormData(BaseModel):
    alfa: str=Form(...)
    vita: str=Form(...)
async def Home(request: Request, form_data:FormData)

This example is of course better in readability than the standard form handling:

async def Home(username: str = Form(...), something_else: str = Form(...)):

But still it's quite restricting, due to the necessary declaration of all form fields.

Is there any other more agnostic & elegant approach?


  • You can get the underlying starlette request and use its request.form() method. It requires python-multipart to work:

    from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
    app = FastAPI()"/example")
    async def example(request: Request):
        form_data = await request.form()
        return form_data

    Example of calling it:

    C:\>curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/example" -d "hello=there&another=value"