I am working with Django and I have a project where I define a Student object that has the fields of grade 1 and grade 2 of type FLOAT, in this class, I build a function that gives back the grade of the student in question although I encountered a problem, the useless digit when I've got an integer number. For example, if your grade is 5 and 9 you get 7.0 and I want to know how can I make the HTML/Django logic syntax display what it should. Just in case it is needed this is the function of how I calculate the grade.
def get_grade(self):
if self.grade_1 is None and self.grade_2 is None:
return "No grades yet"
elif self.grade_2 is None:
return self.grade_1
elif self.grade_1 is None:
return self.grade_2
return (self.grade_1 + self.grade_2)/2
Check if the sum of grade 1 and grade2 will result in float when divided by 2.This can be checked by calculating modulus. If the modulus returns 0, it means result will have 0 in decimal part.
If modulus is 0, return result converted to integer which will remove the decimal part, else return the result as float itself.
Make changes in the else block as follows:
total = self.grade_1 + self.grade_2
if total%2 == 0:
return (int)(result/2)
return result2